How to acquire effective presentation skills

Learn how to acquire effective presentation skills.
In this first video from my 'Peek Inside Persuasive Presentations' course series, I'm going to guide you through the 4 crucial stages to mastering effective presentation skills.

I'll share selected insights from my foundational online course module on how to acquire these essential skills: Theory, Self awareness, Practice and finally Autonomy.

“1. Learn the theory. The first stage is the theory. This is the learning stage. The easy bit. I’m going to share my experience and my knowledge with you in bite-sized pieces.

2. Build self-awareness And In the second stage, you want to be aware of 2 things, the first is how do you communicate and how do you come across. And secondly I want you to build an awareness of how your colleagues communicate and TV and radio presenters, journalists and even politicians  - how do they all communicate when speaking in public. 

3. Practice and learn by doing. Now this is where the real learning takes place. You'll need to let go of your old habits - Not easy to do as they have been around for many years - and practice. Be bold. Give yourself time (weeks or months) to acquire these new public speaking skills, building your competences gradually.

4. Become autonomous. After repeating your new techniques multiple, multiple times, you will find you become a more confident public speaker, more spontaneous and achieve authentic communication. And that’s your goal! ”

Sadly there are no short cuts to impactful public speaking and the journey will require you to go out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself! But I assure you, the outcome will be incredibly rewarding.

If you want to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Public speaking or Presentation skills needs, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you.