How to define your communication goal

In this second video from my 'Peek Inside Persuasive Presentations' course series, I'm going to show you how to define your communication goal.

“Before jumping into PowerPoint and creating your presentation and its content, I want you to first ask yourself

  • Why exactly am I presenting?  

  • What is my goal here/What’s my presentation goal?

So I want you to think carefully:

  • What do I want the audience to do after hearing my public speech? 

  • How do I want them to feel or think afterwards?

  • What behaviour or beliefs am I trying to alter? Big or small.

In brief, what change is it that I’m driving?”

We're going to consider your audience and their current state, and plan the journey you aim to take them through during your presentation. What's the transformation from beginning to end? What are your presentation goals?

“You’ll notice that the communication goal is short and concise. Your aim is to be able to write it on the back of a business card with action verbs and emotional words. The action you want you audience to take during and after the presentation and conveying some passion along the way to inspire change.“

3 more videos will follow with tips from 2 of my 4 key communication pillars: Language and Voice & Body.

If you want to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Public speaking or Presentation skills needs, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you.