Make an impact with Melanie's public speaking course

In this video, Dr. Davide Ziveri, a global expert in Planetary Health & Health Equity, tell us about his experience with my public speaking course and his sessions with me as a business communication coach. And how these have transformed his devlivery - to give impactful presentations.

Watching Dr. Ziveri you can see for yourself what makes a good speaker.: He is immediately credible, speaks with authority, uses body language and his voice, and gets to the point quickly with his well thought out messages. And what authentic communication!

Full transcript:

”Hi My name is Davide Ziveri. I have a PhD in Social Psychology and I'm working on Planetary Health and Health Equity at Humanity and Inclusion NGO.

Why did you take this Presentation skills coaching programme with Melanie?

I took this course because for years and decades I learnt and learnt and probably I never stop that. But I also feel the need to transmit what I learnt: my thoughts, my opinions and the values I believe in. So it's now time to turn the conversation and to participate more proactively in working group in conference and in events.

What did you think of the public speaking course?

The course was great: clear, straightforward, well organised and structured and full of practical tips and recommendations.

What did you like best about the course?

One of my favourite takeaway of the course are not there for me, are there for the message I'm conveying. And it's my duty to really spread those messages and the work that my colleagues on the field in humanitarian setting are doing. I want to transmit what they are doing, their successes, their lesson learnt in the most impactful way. They deserve it.

What did you like about the public speaking course and your 2 coaching sessions?

I really love the passion that Melanie put in the videos and in the coaching and somehow he's contaminated me and I feel much more confident when I'm going on the stage or even in a virtual webinar . I feel less anxious, better prepared and with clear thoughts and messages that I want to share.

How do you feel now when you speak in public?

In the last four or five months I had many opportunities in presence and online as usual to participate in international working groups, scientific conferences and forum. And even if English, or French, are not my first native language I feel much more confident. And honestly I was positively surprised when a audience, people from other audience, get my message made the right questions and even they invited me to other events on that topic. So I was really satisfied of how I can finally bring my opinion on the stage.

Would you recommend this public speaking course?

I definitely recommend this course to all my colleagues. First of all because you know we don't need to be TED talkers or to sell anything but to share our values, our ideas, and success and lessons learnt of our work. I think it's really important. And we spend much time on conferences and webinars in our work so make it impactful, useful and not boring please!”

If you want to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Public speaking or Presentation skills needs, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you.