Accent grave

What sort of accent do you have in your native language?
Are you proud of it? I do hope so.

I was horrified to read a July 2020’s edition of 'The Economist' about ‘Outdated Parisian snobbery towards regional accents’. It commented on the mockery of some journalists of the new French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and his south-western twang. Is this discrimination around diversity and inclusion?
What do you think?

Fortunately, in Britain, broadcasters proudly speak in their regional accents although this hasn’t always been the case.

So, do you know what sort of accent you have when speaking in English? And do you think this is important or not?

For me, intelligibility should be your ultimate pronunciation goal when communicating in English. Be proud of your accent, your language, your culture and your history.

If you are looking to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Business English communication needs (including Pronunciation support) or Presentation skills, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you.