From Mexico to Malaysia: Executive Communication Coaching Workshop Empowers Global Leaders

Last June, I had the pleasure of leading a dynamic workshop that spanned time zones—starting at 5:00 AM in Mexico and 7:00 PM in Malaysia. This unique session brought together finance leaders from around the globe for their annual conference, where I served as their Business Communication Coach.

The workshop began with a pre-briefing, where each participant identified a specific presentation, they wanted to refine. They arrived equipped with PowerPoint slides, ready to enhance their executive presentation skills.

Our objectives were clear: by the end of the three-hour session, everyone would leave with seven powerful techniques to open their presentations with impact and seven strategies to close them with authority and inspiration. A strong focus was placed on crafting compelling calls to action, essential for driving the change these leaders aim to achieve. To achieve this, we started by setting clear communication goals for each presentation—an essential step in effective executive communication coaching.

In addition to content strategy, I emphasised the importance of vocal delivery. We explored one critical vocal foundation: the Powerful Pause. This technique, often overlooked, can transform a good presentation into a great one by allowing the audience time to absorb key points.

The fast-paced workshop combined theory with hands-on activities, each building on the last, to ensure that participants not only understood the concepts but could also apply them immediately. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with one testimonial summing it up perfectly:

"3 hours of powerful content & activities at our online Leadership Conference from Mexico to Malaysia.
Simple & effective tools to improve our communication & keep audiences engaged and inspired.
Director Group Finance, Netherlands

This workshop wasn't just about improving presentation skills—it was about motivating leaders to continue developing themselves and their teams. By the end of the session, everyone left not just with strong start and powerful end techniques, but with more confidence and tools to make a bigger impact through their communication.