Elevate Your Speaking Game: Discover the Power of Digital Learning & AI in Public Speaking

When speaking in public, are you confident in your ability to consistently leave a lasting impact?

Are you completely at ease and stress-free during presentations?

Do you like the sound of your own voice?

If these questions make you hesitate, or if your answer is 'No', rest assured, you are not alone.

Many face similar challenges, from presentation anxiety to doubts about their communication skills. This is where seeking expert help can be a game-changer.

As an experienced communication coach, I understand these struggles intimately. If you've tried public speaking courses, but still haven't mastered the executive presence you aim for... Or, if you find it challenging to commit time for an extensive course, it's time to consider a fresh, innovative approach.

I'm thrilled to introduce a unique blend of Digital Learning and AI tools, specially designed to transform you to be a more confident and influential speaker. This method is not only efficient and cost-effective, but is highly praised by my clients for its effectiveness in turbocharging their speaking skills. For more details, click here to go to my course page.

Digital Learning has changed significantly. Forget about lengthy, monotonous videos and dense, overwhelming PDFs.

My 'Persuasive Presentations' course breathes new life into executive communication/presentation skills/leadership communication. This comprehensive course, with its 12 modules, focuses on three of my powerful communication pillars:

1. Presentation Techniques: Keep your audience engaged from beginning to end with 9 modules. Learn how to start with impact, conclude powerfully, and create slides that resonate with every type of audience, including those who are neurodiverse or differently-abled.

2. Language Mastery: Dive deep into the art of impactful word choice with 7 submodules. Learn to speak concisely with my 3-step process, effectively use rhetorical questions, and more, all contributing to how to improve public speaking.

3. Voice and Body Language: These 2 modules focus on vocal foundations, sentence stress, posture, gestures, and eye contact - essential tools to captivate your audience, especially crucial when presenting online.

This course offers learning through real-life scenarios, before-and-after client examples, and concise, engaging videos (average 5-10 minutes each) tailored for busy professionals. By dedicating just 30 minutes a week to learning, you can follow a 6-month schedule complete with monthly progress checklists. Then it's over to you to begin practising.

Discover more by watching the 5 videos of the 'Peek inside the Persuasive Presentations' course page:, offering a sneak peek into this dynamic learning experience.

AI Tool: Yoodli complements this digital learning journey.

This AI speech coaching app is an integral part of my executive communication coaching. It allows for practical, stress-free practice, helping you to not be nervous for a presentation. Record, analyse, and see measurable improvements in a judgement-free space.

Yoodli developed by Varun Puri and Esha Joshi, in collaboration with the Allen AI Institute in Seattle (now partnering with Microsoft) is used by top business schools and renowned international corporations, such as Google, Korn Ferry and Toastmasters.

Since January 2022 Yoodli has acted as my trusted coaching assistant, attending each client session, providing more impact and value.

Key features of the AI app include:

  1. Transcript Analysis: Review your speech, share recordings for timestamped feedback, and integrate learning from the course to enhance your language, slides, starts, voice and executive presence.

  2. Quantitative Analytics: Dive into metrics like word choice, use of ‘ers’ and ‘ums’, unintentional repetition, pacing, and eye contact. It also measures the conciseness of your language, crucial for refining your speaking style.

  3. Qualitative Analytics: Receive AI-generated coaching feedback to sharpen your sentences, anticipate Q&A sessions and more, supporting your communication goals.

This powerful synergy of digital learning and AI coaching offers a transformative experience in public speaking.

Are you ready to elevate your skills to the next level?

You may choose to take this journey alone or for fast progress, join me for some coaching sessions to master Persuasive Presentations and impactful communication.

If you would like to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Public speaking or Presentation skills needs, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you