Public Speaking: The Fear More Intimidating Than Death?

It's a widespread notion that public speaking is more feared than death. However, this is a contested idea.

While public speaking is indeed a common fear, death still tops the list for many. But it's not just speaking in public that unnerves us; it's the fear of public humiliation.

Understanding that fear when presenting is normal is vital. That intense feeling of anxiety. It’s normal!

As a seasoned communication coach, many professionals tell me the same thing. ‘Melanie, I suffer from real stress and presentation anxiety’, regardless of gender or position. They are just like you, experts and/or high academic achievers, striving for excellence but feeling exposed and judged, especially when lacking in these essential communication skills.

So, if this is how you feel right now, uncomfortable and not at ease when you’re given the floor, you‘re not alone.

As Mark Twain once said: “There are two types of speakers; those that are nervous and those that are liars.” He meant that every public speaker is nervous, or at least every good public speaker is. Although the citation is questioned, I’m sure the message will speak to you.

Adele, perhaps one of the most popular singers of our time, has admitted suffering from stage fright. Incredible for somebody so successful and so talented.

This just shows stage fright (that feeling of anxiety in your stomach, your heart starts pounding and you begin to sweat or tremble) can happen to us all and is not related to our abilities.

I loved one of Adele’s responses ‘Stage fright shows you care’. And I totally agree.

She says her anxiety attacks come from the fear the audience may be unimpressed with her performance.

And Paul McCartney and Maria Callas, a striking opera singer, are amongst other performing artists who too suffered from stage fright.

So what is going on?

Sadly, stage fright is not the result of our conscious thoughts based on real evidence and results, but rather irrational thought processes going on that lead to anxiety. It’s happening at the unconscious and instinctual level.

Your fear and worry about public speaking triggers the release of stress hormones. Too much of these puts your cardiovascular system into overdrive, which results in shaking, nausea, going red etc.

One approach can be to shift the focus away from yourself, the speaker. Instead of worrying about how the audience might be judging your every word and movement, think of the reasons or curiosities that led your audience to show up for your speech.

George Clooney used this strategy before he became a famous actor. He struggled before auditions but flipped the situation by telling himself that it was HE that could HELP the casting directors.

It was now THEY who were desperately searching for the right person, and he should quickly show them that HE was the one.

There is no magic formula to avoiding stage fright, or anxiety.

I teach my clients to embrace their authentic selves and improve their public speaking skills through my 4 powerful Communication Pillars: Language, Pronunciation, Presentation Techniques, and Voice & Body Language. This step-by-step approach enhances confidence and reduces initial stress and fear. Realising that not everyone is a natural at presenting can be an eye-opener and a confidence booster.

In my ecourse and programmes, which include 21 mindset and practical tips, I emphasise one key message: the presentation is not about you, but about:

  • your goal

  • the key points you wish to convey

  • how you can assist your audience.

It's your expertise and ideas that matter.

Remember George Clooney!

I repeat 'It's not about you'.

Don't let fear hinder your potential to share your valuable knowledge and insights. Remember, mastering how to not be nervous for a presentation and improving your public speaking skills are achievable goals given the right approach and mindset. Do schedule a consultation today, I’d be delighted to meet you. And if you feel even a little uncomfortable when speaking, why not Sign up to receive my eguide to:

Transform your Public Speaking from Nervous to Confident.

10 Practical Presentation Techniques to Make a Bigger Impact in Each & Every Talk (+5 Bonus tips for Non-Native English Speakers)

If you would like to discuss your organisation’s (corporate, NGOs, Associations and Universities) Public speaking or Presentation skills needs, I offer free 30-minute consultations through my site. I’d love to meet you