21 Common Business Abbreviations and Acronyms

The English language is full of business abbreviations and acronyms. Long company names and phrases might be abbreviated to save time during communication. Typically, you might see these business abbreviations in emails, memos, spreadsheets, or even text messages with your colleagues.

It is important to understand what these business abbreviations mean so that you will understand exactly what your colleagues are saying to you. Below you will find 21 of the most common business abbreviations and acronyms as well as an example sentence of them in use.

Enjoy learning!

  1. e.g. - For example (Latin = exempli gratia)

    They have a few production plants in Asia, e.g. South Korea and Taiwan.

  2. i.e. - Gives the exact meaning of something you have just written or said. That is to say/In other words (Latin = id est, often confused with eg by native speakers)

    Due to evolving employee expectations, we are reviewing our remote work policies, ie. we are setting limitations around working hours and connectivity and responding to the challenges of collaboration and engagement.

  3. NB - Take note (Latin = nota bene)

    NB: Meeting this Friday!

  4. Re - Regarding (Often used in Email replies)

    Re: Responding to your email

  5. ASAP - As soon as possible

    We need your valuable input asap.

  6. FYI - For your information

    FYI The deadline has moved by a month.

  7. TBD - To be decided

    The exact timing of the team-building event is TBD.

  8. TBC - To be confirmed

    The launch date is TBC.

  9. ETA - Estimated time of arrival

    What's your ETA tomorrow?

  10. ETD - Estimated date of departure

    What is your ETD?

  11. BTW - By the way

    BTW, have you had a chance to speak to the CEO yet?

  12. TBH - To be honest

    TBH, I don’t feel well today and I cannot go out.

  13. COP - Close of play (meaning at the end of the day, usually a deadline)

    Make sure you email our partners COP.

  14. Wed COP - Wednesday close of play

    And send them a follow-up email Wed COP.

  15. EOD - End of the day (identical to COP)

    Join us for an after-work social night EOD!

  16. BAU - Business as usual

    Despite current events, everything is BAU.

  17. T/O - Turnover

    T/O is up 3%, on target.

  18. YTD - Year to date

    What are our sales YTD?

  19. LBE - Latest business estimate

    Let’s review the LBE.

  20. QBR - Quarterly business review

    It is time for our QBR.

  21. POC - Proof of concept

    I'd like to see the POC, please.

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